We’ve been receiving quite a few emails from our customers on the proper way of using a miswak stick. So instead of writing a boring article, we’ve designed a small diagram that you could use.
Steps to using a miswak toothbrush
Step 1
Use a knife to trim around a 1/2 inch. You’ll get a feel of how deep to cut into the miswak once you’ve dug into it with a knife.
Step 2
The bristles of the miswak won’t spread out immediately until it’s being used. Very lightly, chew on the miswak a few times.
Step 3
This step isn’t necessary with our miswaks, but if you find that your miswak is too dry, then you may want to leave it in water for a few hours in order to moisten it.
We do not dry our miswaks 100% in order to retain some of the moisture, reason being that the moisture contain a lot of those good nutrients.
Step 4
By this point the bristles will slightly form but you’ll need to use it for a few minutes in order for it to form properly.
To use the miswak, simply brush in an ‘up and down’ motion.
Step 5
After around 5 days, use a scissor or a serrated knife to cut off at the place where the bristles begin. Then simply follow all the steps above.